Sheep Station Gully Environmental Learning Centre

Many of you would have noticed the works that have been done at our Sheep Station Gully centre. We have been busy completing a variety of rectification works on the centre including interior and exterior cleaning, tree lopping and clearing, stocktake of all resources, planting of an orchard and renovation of the bush-house. Over the last few weeks, we have presented our vision for the centre to our staff, the P&F group, local council and our state member for Algester. We are working collaboratively with Algester State School and would like to foster connections within both community and industry in the local area.

Our aim is to have Sheep Station Gully Environmental Learning Centre being used by St Stephen’s students as we implement an environmental focussed STEM curriculum. This cross-disciplinary approach to teaching will aim to increase student interest and engagement in authentic and practical learning experiences and develop their general capabilities and understanding of sustainability.

Please see our project vision below.


© Brisbane Catholic Education, St Stephen's School (2024)​
